syrup-250 - abhay JAMBAVASAVA

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Abhay ayurvedic pharmacy , india has developed ayurvedic medicine "Jambavasava" syrup to prevent diabetes  !
Jambavasava Syrup - 250 ml : Rs. 142/-*

Jambavasava Syrup is prepared with with Eugenia Jambolana & mixture Of 24 divine ayurvedic herbs !
under the guidance of experienced ayurvedacharyas. "Eugenia Jambolana" or "Jambul"  is an evergreen tree native to tropical areas of India and parts of Asia.  which is well known for medicinal uses - Blood Sugar Management,
Antibacterial , Cholesterol Reduction , Heal wounds faster.
Diabetes is assuming epidemic dimensions invading all age groups and economic class. The advances in science as well as ayurveda have led to effective control of diabetes. Diabetes is referred to as ' silent  killer ' because it stealthily affects most of vital organs like kidneys , eyes , heart and nerves . One should focus equally on both controlling the blood sugar level and preventing these complications . WHO estimates every fifth diabetic is an indian .
"Jambavasava" syrup  to take for period of 3 to 4 months  to achive results for long term prespective.
Dosage:- 20 ml on empty stomach in the morning & 20 ml before 30 minutes of Dinner. OR as directed by Physician.
Regular consumption of this herbal supplement will help control blood sugar and detox body.

Contact customer care for consultation -  
call to   : +91-9096036212
Note : NO  ADDICTION of this medicine if you take this for a long time. You can  stop this medicines after achieving the targeted goal or after any time  as you decide, there won’t be any side effects/adverse effect.
Mfg. Lic. No. :  AYU-1133
PH: +91 - 9970 296 266
EMAIL : abhayayurvedicpharmacy (at)

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Abhay Ayurvedic Pharmacy
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